Interview with Nueva Visión, Greenik’s distributor in Madrid

Entrevista a Nueva Visión, Distribuidor de Greenik en Madrid

Nueva Vision began its journey in April 1985, dedicating ourselves exclusively to the professional aesthetics sector and later also to hairdressing.

Our global customer service policy led us, from the first day, to create a sales team with face-to-face visits and home delivery. Our motto is to avoid mistakes and offer solutions and, to achieve this, we work from the heart. We are advisers for all professionals in the sector and we answer any questions through our telephone service department and our store, as well as through the salesperson assigned to each professional.

Currently, we have a team made up of more than thirty people, including nine face-to-face vendors, as well as as many people dedicated to serving customers who come to the store or call us by phone (we are also present on the Internet with a continuously growing online store). We also have a training center at Calle Reina, 5 in Madrid, where we teach courses, free workshops and talks on any subject related to aesthetics or hairdressing. Our four teachers have deserved the outstanding grade from all the students who have studied in our academy. And together with the school, we offer self-service products, accessories, cosmetic accessories, hand and foot beauty, appliances, hairdressing, etc. to all professionals. The technical service for appliances works from Monday to Friday, during our opening hours (from 8 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.). We serve all professionals in the Community of Madrid, Guadalajara and Toledo, both in Reina, 5 and in our warehouse and offices, located at C / Río Tiétar, 11, nave 22 (Algete).

“Comfort when working with your products, we also attach great importance to speed, quality and the wide assortment of products that your catalog covers.”

  • What opinion do you have on the hands and feet sector in your area of action? It is a sector that is currently booming and with great force in the aesthetics market.
  • What motivated you to choose Greenik for your distribution? We knew the brand from other products that we worked on. By launching its semi-permanent enameling, the value for money made us opt for its commercialization.
  • Now that you work and know the brand, what do you like the most in Greenik’s Concept? The ease of application and its image.
  • What advice would you give Professionals to work with the Greenik Concept? Above all, comfort when working with your products, we also attach great importance to speed, quality and the wide assortment of products that your catalog covers.
